Will Crafter 1.1.1
Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Productivity
Price: $4.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.1.1 (iTunes)

Will Crafter: A manual on wills and a DIY kit for making your own willWillCrafter sells for $4.99. In August, however, WillCrafter will have periodic promotional sales (unannounced; sorry about that). Stay in tune!As stated in the recent Tapscape review: "Whether you’re looking to finalize your last will and testament, or just want a bit of background information to help you get started, WillCrafter is a great resource. It’s simple to digest, packed with useful information, and a bargain . What attorney works that cheaply?"Description: WillCrafter combines a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) will program and concise explanatory manual, for use in the United States (U. S. territories and protectorates are not covered, but the District of Columbia is). In addition, users are given a locator list, to assist in identifying what they own, where important materials are located, and other proprietary information. Users produce valid, state-specific wills. The manual explains why a “one size fits all" will form cannot work, because each state has its own set of rules for creating a will. The DIY program takes into account the differences in state laws. When a user completes the DIY will, has it signed, witnessed, and in most instances, has it notarized, the user has a valid will, for use in his or her state. By reading the manual, you will be introduced to a plethora of concepts: ∙ What is an executor and what do they do after you die? ∙ What is a guardian and what is expected of a guardian? ∙ How should a disabled beneficiary be treated (special needs trusts)? ∙ Can you disinherit your spouse and/or children? ∙ Should you make burial requests in your will? ∙ Do beneficiaries pay income taxes or death taxes on inheritances? ∙ What formalities are required to sign a will? ∙ What is probate and how does it work? ∙ What are trusts and tax sheltered trusts? The will creation options do NOT cover: ∙ Complicated situations ∙ Tax sheltered trusts ∙ Special needs trusts ∙ Creating an inter vivos trust (but does cover testamentary trusts) ∙ Powers of Attorney ∙ Health Care Powers of Attorney ∙ Advance Directives for Health Care (Living Wills)
What's New
- Now able to export notes- Added option to allow for cremation instructions
Will Crafter