Ordered Fractions: Compare and Order Fractions Game 1.3
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.3 (iTunes)
Two Player Bluetooth Math Game! You can use two devices and play competitively or cooperatively with your classmates or parents.Ordered Fractions provides a comprehensive tool that offers an innovative method of learning about comparing and ordering fractions.Ordered Fractions game begins by rolling the dice, students then insert these numbers into the boxes on the board, which creates the fractions. Students then position the fractions in ascending (or descending) order by comparing fractions. Students also have the option of exchanging the current set of numbers and re-rolling the dice. Along the way, the game offers helps and tips that enhance learning and make concepts easier to comprehend.KEY FEATURES:- Two Player Bluetooth Math Game! You can now use two devices and play competitively or cooperatively with your classmates or parents.- Higher order thinking game (not a drill and kill game)- Progress reports can be sent to the teacher (making formative assessment easy)- A whiteboard build into the game to make a way for students to work out problems- Easy to extend beyond the one player game to a classroom setting.- Comes with printable game sheets, making preparation for lessons simple The upper elementary, middle school math game automatically alerts the student when making an error or arriving at the correct answer. The ordering mode continues with teaching the technique of creating common denominators. Each mode offers multiple levels that become increasingly challenging and offer the chance to practice new skills. Each game screen also provides the whiteboard function for writing traditional equations.When submitting answers, the game monitors errors and correct answers along with the time required for arriving at the result. Parents and teachers may then receive the assessment via email. The progress reports enable teachers to evaluate particular problem areas for individual students. COMMON CORE MATHEMATICAL STANDARD3.NF Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.4.NF.1 Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.4.NF.2 Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols, >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
What's New
Try out another fun fraction game that also has Bluetooth integrated into it allowing for two players to play play competitively or cooperatively using two devices.4 Dice: Fraction Games -https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/4-dice-fraction-games/id583546023?ls=1&mt=8Thank you for all the great reviews! As each update resets the ratings count, please take a moment to update your review for the current version.If you send a review to report a problem, we have absolutely no way to contact you back. So you will not receive any answers, and it's a pity because we probably already have a solution to your problem.http://www.mathfilefoldergames.com/contact/WHAT'S NEW:- Upgrade to iOS 6.0- iPhone 5 Compatible
Ordered Fractions: Compare and Order Fractions Game