Web Explorer 2.5
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Utilities
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 2.5 (iTunes)
"Power Download" - download multiple files/media/pictures from web page links or FTP directory."Amazing web browsing experience... " "The only web browser you can easily save or remove anything on the web page..."Web Explorer feature highlights: >> Super fast full screen, tabbed web browser. --- On all devices and all orientations.>> Integrated text and web page translation. --- Launch translator on a new tab.>>Download web files and links. --- Straightforward web downloader.>>Save full content web pages for offline use. --- Complete web page saver.>>ADBLOCKER for automatic ads removal. (UPGRADE) --- Block ads from nearly 3000 ads servers.>> User Agent setting. http://zynsoft.net/2013/01/19/1>>FTP browser. FTP upload and download. --- Browse FTP sites, upload and download files.>>Integrated text search. --- Search web with selected text in the web page.>> File reader supports all major file formats. --- View or play saved content from web or PC/MAC.>> Configurable Start Page. --- Edit quick links on Start Page for easy access.>> Facebook sharing. --- Share web pages or pictures on Facebook.>> Document interaction. --- Open files from other apps with Web Explorer.>>iTunes File Sharing with your PC/Mac. --- Exchange content between this app and PC/MAC.>>Optimized for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. --- Customize interface best for different devices.Support file types: .xls,.key.zip,.numbers.zip,.pages.zip,.pdf, .ppt , .doc, .rtf,.rtfd.zip, .key,.numbers,.pages,.txt .m .h .c .js .css .cpp .php ...
What's New
Fix a critical download problem reported by UK customer review.
Web Explorer