KidneyDiet 2.4
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 2.4 (iTunes)

**** Yahoo! Health 10 Best Health Apps **** ****** AppCraver Editor's Pick List ******KidneyDiet®Helping you watch the 3Ps. Phosphorus. Potassium. Protein.KidneyDiet helps people with kidney disease make better decisions about their diet. If you are facing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), you must become aware of the following in your diet:PHOSPHORUSPOTASSIUMPROTEINSODIUMFLUIDSIf you have ESRD and have already started dialysis, your diet will be different than before you began dialysis, but you will still have to pay attention to how much you consume of the above-mentioned nutrients.KidneyDiet can be used on-the-go making it easy to order in a cafeteria line, at the grocery store, or at an elegant restaurant. It's difficult to remember which foods are better for you than others when following a renal diet. So, just scroll through the list or type an item into the search field and quickly determine the nutritional counts of a variety of foods. Track and analyze the nutrient counts of the foods recorded. Compare the counts against your doctor's and nutritionist's recommendations.Eat right. Enjoy life.
What's New
• Yes, you can now manually add foods! • Plus, you can email your Daily Diary to to your dietitian. • Keep track of liquids and foods that should be counted toward your fluid intake. • New foods have been added to the scrolling list. • The search feature for foods has been enhanced.